Elevate Your Ski Experience with the Atomic Waymaker Carbon 110 Ski Boots – Designed for Ultimate Comfort and Performance!
For skiers with higher insteps and wider feet, the Atomic Waymaker Carbon 110 Ski Boots offer unmatched comfort and precision, making every run from frontside to backside an exhilarating experience. Engineered with a stiff 110 flex, these boots are powered by a Carbon Spine, delivering unparalleled responsiveness and control for downhill mastery.
### Key Features:
**Unmatched Comfort and Fit:**
– **101 mm Forefoot Last with Lateral Live Fit:** Enjoy all-day comfort on and off-piste with a spacious 101 mm last that accommodates wider feet and metatarsal bunions. The flexible lateral Live Fit zone ensures maximum comfort for all foot shapes.
**Powerful Performance:**
– **Stiff 110 Flex:** Ideal for aggressive skiers who